Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend Everyone!  We have family trickling in over the next few days, and I'm pretty excited to see everyone.  I'm working next week but I'm taking the week b/w Xmas and New Years off.  Hooray for 10 days of no work!!

In other household news, the husband has a head cold with a cough.  A cough that he denies and wakes me in my sleep during the wee hours of the morning.  Munch and I are OVER it.  The part that kills me is he will not take anything for it.  If it were me, I would happily pour night time cold medicine down my throat with a funnel.  Just sayin.

I gave Mogley a bath yesterday and simultaneously lost 10 days of my life.  These are going to add up.

Christmas shopping is done.  Presents are wrapped.  I love buying gifts for people, but I hate coming up with a gift to buy.  It's stressful.

Speaking of stress, does anyone else hate driving their cars thru one of those automatic car washes??  I hate cleaning my own car, so sometimes it's just necessary, but I'm always certain I'm aligned wrong and one of the sprayer poles is going to penetrate my car or take off my side mirror...oh and the dryer...does it really need to blow so hard that my windshield is in danger of spontaneously combusting.  I don't think so.

We went with some friends to a western bar last weekend, complete with line dancing and bull riding.  Not at all our typical Saturday night, but we had so much fun!  Not that our typical Saturday night is hard to compete with...think Keith Morrison and a riveting murder mystery...yeah, we're those people now.  Don't judge.
Thankfully, I got a new camera to replace the one that bit the dust unexpectedly.  I love it.
And it has an optional fish eye lens.  
By the way, he doesn't read this blog and if you tell him I posted this picture, I'll kill you.  I will. I took a photo of Munch with the fish eye, and you can barely tell the difference...see??   I think my camera was confused by the roundness of his face.  Poor guy.

Have a great weekend everyone!  Our plan is to hang with family and ski, and by ski, I mean do circles on the 3 runs that are open at the Canyons.  We need snow in a huge way, and the 7 day forecast is not at all promising.

XOXO Britt

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