Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This week is Thanksgiving.  I've never been a huge fan of this holiday, only because Americans have turned it into a day all about eating and spending DAYS slaving away behind a stove.  Don't get me wrong, I love food, but I wish Thanksgiving was more like when we were in elementary school, listing out all the things we're thankful for.  So, in honor of that, here are a few things I'm thankful for right now:
My husband...Best.Husband.Ever.
Munch's silly noises
Mogley's hugs
My Mom, Dad & Sister
My Mother and Father In Law, and my Sisters and Brother in Law
My niece and nephew
My wonderful, beautiful friends
My House
My Fireplace
My Job
My Paid off Cars
Jones, the Horse
Snow in the Winter
Date Nights
Girls Nights
Plentiful food
My Health
Running Buddies

Have a Happy Turkey Day Everyone!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Brittany's Favorite Things Round 2

One of my very favorite ETSY shops is Darlingtonia.  They make the cutest custom moccasins I have every seen.  I own the navy blue ones pictured above and adore them. They're crazy cute and super comfortable and I don't think I've ever received more compliments on a pair of shoes.  Go ahead and buy yourself a pair...you will not be disappointed.

This and That

Finally it's Friday.  And I could not be happier about this fact. 

Twice a year, I have this big thing I have to do at work.  It takes weeks of planning and stressing and phone calls.  It was yesterday and everything went great, but I would be straight up lying if I said I didn't almost have 3 strokes yesterday or almost break into my emergency vodka in my desk drawer.  Now I have 6 months to forget about it and do it all over again. 

We've had beautiful sunny weather all week.  A huge storm is supposed to roll in today and ruin all my weekend plans.  Dear Weather, WHYYYY?????

My birthday is in 20 days.  I will be 30.  Good God. 

My skis are in the process of being painted HOT PINK.  I am giddy with excitement. 

Thanksgiving is next week! I can't believe it's already that time of year again.  Garrett and I will be spending Thanksgiving with friends this year.  There is a lot planned for the turkey day festivities, some of which include screen printed t-shirts, feats of strength games, a lasagna cook-off and lots and lots of booze.  Right up my alley, can't wait!!

Speaking of the holidays, Christmas is just around the corner.  Finally, I have a home big enough to accommodate a Christmas tree.  Our old house, a tiny little bungalow, just did not have room.  It was actually one of the first things I mentioned when we made an offer on our new house...it will fit a REAL ADULT SIZED CHRISTMAS TREE!  Now the question is, real or fake.  I'm  torn but am leaning towards buying a fake pre-lit tree and here's why.  My one reason for wanting a real Christmas tree is the lovely smell.  That lovely smell, however, is replicated with the purchase of THIS candle.  A fake tree is easy to deal with, will last me for years and I don't even have to string the lights.  Oh and I'm 75% certain the first thing Munch would do is lift his cute little leg.

Enough rambling for one day.  It's Friday.  Have a great weekend everyone!

And since nobody enjoys a post without a photo, I'll leave you with this cute little guy.  Sleeping backwards in his bed...he is such a trend setter, that little Munch.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Brittany's Favorite Things

I am going to do some posts titled Brittany's Favorite Things.  It will be a little like Oprah's, only better.  Some items I already own, and LOVE.  Some items I would LOVE to own.  Get ready to get your WANT on. 

As you can see from the crappy home photo, these babies are mine.  And I love them.  Like a lot.  Here's why:  They are 100% waterproof.  I live in the snow for too many months out of the year to not have a pair of waterproof boots.  They are also crazy warm, like keep my feet warm in the cold down to -25 degrees below zero.  Again, Park City is cold and if my dogs have any hopes of getting a walk in the winter, a warm boot is mandatory.  And last but certainly not least, these boots are pretty stylish in person, well as stylish as a waterproof, cozy warm boot is ever going to be.  Definitely not anything I EVER would have worn in Texas, but a Park City staple in my book.  So, go, buy them now.  Your feet will thank you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My weekend according to my iPhone

I had several plans for this past weekend, all of which fell thru for one reason or another.  By one reason or another, I mean the weather.  And by weather, I mean snow.  Lots and lots of snow.

Here's a weekend recap according to iPhone:
Saturday morning Garrett got up at the crack of dawn and went fly fishing via drift boat with a friend of his.  He said he had fun but I'm not sure how anyone could have fun fishing in weather that necessitates gloves.  Munch and Mogs slept in with me.
We woke up to snow and it snowed the rest of the day.  Not the nice, fluffy stuff either. It was heavy and wet and just made a huge mess of everything.  I was planning to ride Jones but it was cancelled.

So I cleaned the house and the dogs laid around.  Fun...at this point, I was wishing I was fishing in gloves.  Just sayin.
I managed to get my act together and headed out in the snow.  I went to this great little boutique on Main Street in Park City, Olive and Tweed.  I bought 2 pair of ridiculous tights, which I LOVE and proceeded to wear for the rest of the weekend. 
Then I rented Bridesmaids from Redbox and watched it while Munch slept on my face. We were supposed to attend a party that night, but again, snow ruined the plan.  Garrett's trip home was rerouted due to a highway closure and he didn't get home until late.
Sunday was equally as exciting.  We cleaned the garage (this is the point when I'm realizing how terrible my weekend really was).  We can now fit both cars in the garage!! (this is the point when I realize what gets exclamation marks these days...and it's mildly depressing).  Garrett smoked a turkey for dinner.  This is him cleaning it and me sitting at the bar making remarks about how disgusting this process is.  See how helpful I am.

I REALLY hope next weekend is a bit more fun...like maybe we can wash the dogs or sweep the driveway.  A girl can only dream.

Friday, November 11, 2011


Finally it's Friday and the weekend is just around the corner.  Sorry for the lack of blogging this week.  I have been insanely busy with work.  I need a little weekend in my life.  Look who decided to come to work today with me...yeah, he's working pretty hard and his snoring is really helping me concentrate.  Thanks Munch.

Speaking of the weekend, I'm going to try my best and enjoy it.  There's only one problem, the weather.  Look what I'm up against.  You know you're jealous.

Big news in Salt Lake City today...H&M opens!!  I would go, but I'm fairly certain I would stand in line with hundreds of housewives lookin to get their style on for cheap.  Crazy crowds and a possible panic attack would not be worth scoring a pair of $20 pants.  On top of that, directly next door, a Crate and Barrel is also opening its big lovely doors today.  Wait to go Utah, it's about freakin time. Now if only we could get a Trader Joes, sans wine of course.

Ya'll have a great weekend.  Looks like snow so I hope to park it in front of the fireplace with my furbaby kinda like this:

When I look at the closeup of this picture, its horrifying. I'm not sure who has more spots on their face, me or Munch...at least his spots are adorable.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Riding Jones gives me a sense of clarity and appreciation for life that I so desperately need sometimes.  Something about being with him makes me feel calm and rejuvenated.  I know he's just a horse, but he really does bring out the best in me.

Today has been a rough day...not the worst, but not great.  I need a little Jones in my life right about now, but no go.  Thanks a lot TIME CHANGE.  You're totally crampin' my style.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Munch Master Chill

Munch Master Chill. 
I'd like to think that if my little bulldog were to ever take up a career as a rap artist, he'd take this name and wear a black leather jacket that said "Bitches Love Me." And then he'd come out with a hit song about our corrupt government or maybe one about all of his ho's.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


This past weekend, we packed the dogs and half of our belongings and headed to Fruita, Colorado. If you like to mountain bike, go to Fruita. Like now. You will love it.
The real substance of this post, however, is less about Fruita and more about camping. Does any girl actually enjoy camping? Like in a tent, no showers camping. If she's out there, I'd like to meet her and then we can be BFF's. Seriously though, I don't get the draw, and I mostly blame this on my lack of camping as a child. We just didn't do it and I totally get why. My life would be just peachy if we never camped in fact, but there's one teeny problem...that husband of mine actually enjoys it. When I list out all of the reasons I don't enjoy the camping experience, my mind is boggled as to why he's not changing sides, b/c let's face it, my reasons are legit ya'll.

Here's a few:
1. Showers, or actually lack thereof. Generally our camping revolves around mountain biking. Mountain biking = sweaty and dirty. If we were at home, we would never in a million years go to bed without a shower. Just sayin. And my hair...oh my hair.

2. Tents. There is something about people in Utah that makes them think a backpacking tent is the only way to go, even if they are pulling their car right up to the campsite. These people must enjoy cramming in a tent with their dogs (yes, we all them and yes, they all sleep in our tents). We're all stuffed in there like sardines and my husband thinks it's fine. Perfect, I guess it would be fine at home if we slept in a twin sized bed. Right??

3. Stuff in dirt. No explanation needed.

4. Bathrooms, or lack thereof. Cause it's so great squatting in the trees or if we're really lucky, using an outhouse. Nothing makes you feel cleaner. Nothing better than waking up at 4 in the morning, needing to go, and spending the next few hours telling yourself it's not worth it.

5. Packing. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like packing for a camping trip will be the death of me. The list is miles long and the car has to be packed like a puzzle if we want to fit everything. It's overwhelming for me to even think about.

6. Sleeping Pads. Think Princess and the Pea. I can feel the pea.

I really could go on and on. And don't suggest a camper...I've tried. My husband has a list longer than mine for all of the reasons this does not make sense. I did, however, convince Garrett that we needed to buy a bigger tent, aka THE CAMP CONDO. One that would fit all of our stuff comfortably (including our new 4inch memory foam sleeping pads!!) and one where I could change clothes standing up, not laying down on the floor of chaos (sleeping bags, clothes, dogs, etc) trying to pry my pants up. I'm a reasonable girl, I really am. And I must say, camping was better this time around. BUT, it was still torture camping. It was still a vacation IN.THE.DIRT. My next vacation in the dirt better be sand and lounge chairs, and me in that lounge chair, with someone bringing me a daiquiri. Thanks Mom for teaching me right.

The dogs. I hate to say it, but they have taken after their father and love camping. I need another girl in my house, PRONTO.
Munch, very unhappy that I interrupted his exploring for a photo op.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This Shiz is Bananas...

Yesterday was Halloween. I don't have any kids yet, so poor Munch takes one for the team and satisfies my urge to dress someone up in the most adorable costume ever.
Have you ever seen a cuter Banana Split?? I didn't think so.