Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Brittany's Favorite Things Round 8

Kerastase Elixir Ultime.  Liquid Gold, and I call it that not only b/c of the miracles it performs on my hair, but also because of the very hefty price tag.  Its a wonderful blend of aromatic exotic oils and leaves the hair silky and shiny.  I use it on wet hair, I use it on dry hair and every day become more attached to this product.  If you're a product junkie like me and have a few extra bucks in your pocket...try this stuff.  It's the shiz-nit and THAT is what's up.

That Dog

That dog is 7 years old and still acts like a complete maniac when we take him off the leash at the dog park.  We never quite know if we're going to leave scolding him or telling him what a good boy he was.  He's totally unpredictable and I love that about him, but I don't love the dog park...its all Munch having fun and me holding my breath, closing my eyes, waiting for someone to scream.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The weekend

This past weekend was full of family, skiing and lounging around the house with my husband.  Overall, a nice weekend.  Can't complain.  Well, I can't complain about the weekend that is.  Here is what I can complain about:
  • Head Colds.  You know the one my husband guessed it.  It now resides with me.  How awesome is that?  We share everything, even colds.  Awwww.
  • Weather.  We have no snow in the mountains and smog in the valley.  It actually snowed pollution yesterday in SLC.  No storms, just pollution. 
  • My soreness.  One word, Crossfit.
  • Being at work during the holidays.  So Lame.
  •  Not getting enough sleep...thanks to my guest blogger from yesterday.
  • Lack of time.  Just in general.  Right now, I feel like I have so much to do/take care of and just not enough time to do it all.  
Sadly, I could go on and on with this list of bullets but I'll spare everyone my gripes.  Plus I need to save some for  the drives home from work with Garrett.  He's a lucky, lucky man.  No need to tell him cause he already knows.  Thanks.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Hey Ya'll, it's me Munch!!

It's Monday in Park City.  My mom asked me to do a blog post, something about being too busy to be creative.  What's busy?  Anyhow, I'm hanging at home with my brother today, catching up on my sleep.  We had family in town this weekend so I'm exhausted!  It's going to be a long week!  I could have just slept last night, but I decided to get up at 3 am to go outside...I mean, I have the whole Monday to sleep but my mom doesn't need sir.  She didn't get me just so she could sleep did she?  She gets cranky at 3 am, but I have to pee ya'll and then I'm usually pretty thirsty.  My mom is usually not on her A-game at that time of the morning, so I had to get her up AGAIN to fill my dish.  I like the funny names she calls me when I scratch her side of the bed and R.U.N.  It's a fun game cause I always win.  Well, have a great week everyone, and just in case you're interested, I like cake, cookies and cheese and am hoping to get all 3 for Xmas...just sayin.

Catch ya on the flip side,

Brittany's Favorite Things Round 7

I love small stud earrings.  Despite my jewelry box full of other options, I always turn to the simple ones.  They're small, I don't notice them and I'm not very likely to lose one.  I'm not one of those lucky girls either that can put any old stud thru their ear.  If it's not sterling or gold, my ear will crust up within hours.  Lucky me.  Anyhow, I found these cute little things on Etsy, and they have been my favorite earrings for months.  They are super reasonable and all around perfect. 

Friday, December 16, 2011

Happy Weekend!

Happy Weekend Everyone!  We have family trickling in over the next few days, and I'm pretty excited to see everyone.  I'm working next week but I'm taking the week b/w Xmas and New Years off.  Hooray for 10 days of no work!!

In other household news, the husband has a head cold with a cough.  A cough that he denies and wakes me in my sleep during the wee hours of the morning.  Munch and I are OVER it.  The part that kills me is he will not take anything for it.  If it were me, I would happily pour night time cold medicine down my throat with a funnel.  Just sayin.

I gave Mogley a bath yesterday and simultaneously lost 10 days of my life.  These are going to add up.

Christmas shopping is done.  Presents are wrapped.  I love buying gifts for people, but I hate coming up with a gift to buy.  It's stressful.

Speaking of stress, does anyone else hate driving their cars thru one of those automatic car washes??  I hate cleaning my own car, so sometimes it's just necessary, but I'm always certain I'm aligned wrong and one of the sprayer poles is going to penetrate my car or take off my side mirror...oh and the dryer...does it really need to blow so hard that my windshield is in danger of spontaneously combusting.  I don't think so.

We went with some friends to a western bar last weekend, complete with line dancing and bull riding.  Not at all our typical Saturday night, but we had so much fun!  Not that our typical Saturday night is hard to compete with...think Keith Morrison and a riveting murder mystery...yeah, we're those people now.  Don't judge.
Thankfully, I got a new camera to replace the one that bit the dust unexpectedly.  I love it.
And it has an optional fish eye lens.  
By the way, he doesn't read this blog and if you tell him I posted this picture, I'll kill you.  I will. I took a photo of Munch with the fish eye, and you can barely tell the difference...see??   I think my camera was confused by the roundness of his face.  Poor guy.

Have a great weekend everyone!  Our plan is to hang with family and ski, and by ski, I mean do circles on the 3 runs that are open at the Canyons.  We need snow in a huge way, and the 7 day forecast is not at all promising.

XOXO Britt

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Brittany's Favorite Things Round 6

This year I am totally into the whole Falala thing.  Maybe its the beautiful Christmas tree in my living room or maybe it's presents arriving daily at my doorstep. (Note:  Sadly, none of the presents are for family is coming for Christmas so they are shipping everything to me to avoid traveling with all of their gifts).  Anyhow, this year, the tree is making my house smell like Christmas.  For those of you not so lucky, buy this candle.  Its a little on the pricey side, but if you want your house to smell like Christmas, your money will be well spent.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Brittany's Favorite Things Round 5

 For the last 6 months or so, I have been completely obsessed with carbonated water.  Since I do drink so much of this stuff, I have suggested to my husband on numerous occasions that we just buy a Soda Stream, you know, to save the environment and all.  Then he gets all engineery on me and starts to calculate the cost of the machine, the cost of supplies you have to replenish, etc. vs continuing to buy my plastic bottles at Costco.  That's where these type of discussions always end.  He really knows how to steer me in the opposite direction.  Anyway, 30th birthday rolls around and much to my surprise, Garrett has actually been listening to me all this time.  Oh and he also likes the environment.
Can I just say that this thing is so awesome.  It is so easy to use and I have been drinking the bubbly water like a mad woman.

 I haven't actually tried a flavor yet, but it comes with lots of fun options.

This is the cute gift wrapping job...manufacturing paper and a piece of a desk plant.  So cute.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

30, But Who's Counting

Today I'm 30, and actually I'm completely okay with it.  Sure I liked saying I was still in my twenties, but mostly so I could taunt my husband.  The truth is, I'm happier now than I have ever been, so what's not to like about that?  I'm having so much fun right now, as evidenced from the photo above. 

In 30 years of life, I have learned a lot...and some things I am still working on. 

I have learned that my husband is and always will be the most important person in my life.  I love my parents to the moon and back, but it's different.

I have learned that there is nothing better than coming home to the love of your dogs.  The sloppy kisses and extreme excitement just from your presence makes for a happy soul. 

I have learned that having good girlfriends should not be taken for granted.  If you find them, keep them.  Always.

I have learned to try and get to know people before judging them.  I blame this trait on a terrible, clicky highschool, but I'm working on it.  I have found the odds are, if I take the time, I actually like most people.  Who'd a thought??

I have learned to ignore things that bug me if they don't matter.

I have learned that I can't keep everything to myself.  It's okay to talk to people.

I have learned that I am quick to be a bitch if I don't like a situation.  I'm working on it.

I have learned to not take my health for granted.  It can be taken so quickly with no warning.

I have learned that I'm bossy and I need to tone it down a bit.  People generally don't like to be bossed around even if I'm right and they're wrong and the world would be a better place if they just did what I said.  See, progress.  Right?

Anyway, here's to another great year!  Hopefully there will be some exciting things going on within the next year.  At the very least, I hope to take the Bitch thing off my list. 

Brittany's Favorite Things Round 4

The Dog Days Scarf from Madewell.  It's navy and has cute little doggies on it, which means it was pretty much made for me.  Now, if only it were on sale.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Brittany's Favorite Things Round 3

If you are looking for a night cream, go buy this stuff.  It's not very expensive and makes my face feel so soft and smooth.  I wake up every morning feeling like I need to wear more diamonds to match this fancy face of mine. 

Life Purge

Sometimes I feel like I'm too busy to blog.  My day starts and ends and most days it feels like I have no time for myself.  My days are spent DOING for other people, and I need to make time for me.  Blogging seems to give me that, so I really need to take the time and do a regular post.  I'm worth it.

It seems like a lot has happened since I last did a post.  Let's recap.

Thanksgiving.  It was soooo great this year.  Thanks to the lovely Pratt sisters for including us in your festivities.  Sure, we missed our families, but honestly, this was probably the most fun Thanksgiving I have ever been a part of.  It started early and ended late.  Lots of drinking, laughing, cooking, and eating.  Susannah and I made tshirts for everyone and girls dressed up like Indians and the boys like Pilgrims.  Not at all politically correct, but so fun nonetheless.  Munch dressed up like a bat...he likes to sing his own tune, what can I say. 

 Susannah and Peter...showing that Pilgrim who's boss
 Indian making biscuits
 Husband and Me
 Peter, the alpha male
 Susannah and me
 No words for this one
 This is the best family photo you get when you give a drunk indian your camera
 Full Kitchen
 The bat convinced many a people to hold him
Susannah giving Munch some tips on life and love

My camera broke, so from here on out, expect nothing but iPhone photos.  I'm working on getting a new camera, but for various reasons, I don't have one yet.  And just in case you were wondering, Best Buy sucks.  Everytime I see that stupid commercial about price matching, I want to punch someone in the face. 

Now that Thanksgiving is over, it's time to switch to Christmas.  Garrett hung lights on our house this year which I am soo excited about.  We also bought a Christmas tree this year...and we have room for it...and so far, the dogs haven't knocked it over.  So, I was apprehensive to get a real tree, not gonna lie.  Garrett wanted one, so I entertained the idea.  If you know me, you'll know I'm a tad bit OCD about certain things...spacing is probably one of the biggest.  Some friends of ours laid their own bathroom tile and the grout lines gave me high blood pressure for god's sake.  The thought of having to pick a real tree with a side that laid perfectly enough to look at for a month...then the lights, oh the lights.  How would we ever get them spaced evenly...and the ornaments...nothing makes me cringe more than a tree with mismatched hand glued ornaments.  I'm going to make a terrible mom someday, I know.  Don't judge.  But anyway, I picked out a tree that is PERFECT.  Garrett strung those lights like an engineer, and did an awesome job.  I bought some lovely ornaments on the cheap.  So our tree totally looks like a Display tree and I couldn't be more pleased.  Best tree ever. Here's a pic...from the iPhone.  Sorry.

Other than that, I've been working, skiing, Christmas shopping, riding this handsome guy: 
Overall, life is pretty good right now.  Bring on the holidays!