Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Boys

These 2 guys had a birthday yesterday, 33 for the husband and 9 for little Munch.  They probably weren't as spoiled as usual since I'm 39.3 weeks pregnant (yep, still hanging in there) and have a list of complaints longer than I care to write down.  BUT, I do think they had a good day and I couldn't love either of them more if I tried.  I'm a very lucky girl. Happy Birthday Garrett and Munch! 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Little Munch has a birthday coming up next week.  The Big 9!  And clearly he is getting more sophisticated with age, surfing the internet for the latest news stories vs. cheese of the month clubs and how to get rid of your doodle brother.  My little man is growing up. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

What NOT to say to a Pregnant Girl

"You look like you're about to pop."  It's rude and it makes me want to punch you in the face.  And I realize I have a large belly.  Being 9 1/2 months pregnant will do that to a person.  So, no need to make any sort of comment at all on the state of my physical being.  Got it??  Thanks. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

37 Weeks

Dear Baby Girl,

Today you are 37 weeks and 2 days.  What the hell?  How are we here already?  You are officially considered full term and could come at any time.  Your daddy and I are so ready to meet you, so go ahead and come okay?  It's been great having you in my belly, but I am 100% over being pregnant and ready to bring you home.  Nothing is easy anymore for me and for the love of god, it makes me crazy when people say something like, well at least she's contained, get ready, it's only going to get harder...yeah, thanks for the advice, OR NOT.  Sleep...what's that?  Ankles...used to have them.  Walking...waddling.  Overall, I just feel ready to be done, and we're all ready for you, SO COME ON BABY.  Let's get things moving. Okay??

Love, Mom

Due Date: May 28, 2013

Gender: Little Baby Girl

Movement:  All the time.  Baby Girl is definitely running out of room in there and my stomach feels bruised from the inside.  Jealous?

Feeling: Over it.  Ready to not be pregnant and have a beer.  A real beer.  And cake vodka.

Food Cravings: Nothing
Food Aversions: Nothing (unfortunately)

Clothes: Pretty much all maternity at this point, or Garrett's clothes.  Sad.
Stretch Marks: Still none!  Hang in there skin!

Sleep: Junk

Symptoms: Swollen feet and ankles, huge belly.

What I Miss: Being able to wear my regular clothes, beer, my body, being able to walk more than 10 feet without being out of breath

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

One of those Days

I am 35weeks and 1day pregnant. I would take a picture, but I don't have the motivation. I'm getting extremely uncomfortable at this point and am so over being pregnant. It hurts to bend over, it's getting hard to breathe, I feel like I'm going to explode every time I eat so much as a cracker, sleep is impossible, my clothes are all uncomfortable and I'm sick of wearing the same thing, and to top it all off, I'm full blown waddling.  Such a freakin miracle. A puppy would have been so much easier. Just kidding...kind of.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Dogs in a Bed

We normally don't let Mogley in our bed, for obvious hugeness reasons, but every now and then, we allow it and he hops up and makes himself pretty comfortable. Munch doesn't like it, but then again, Munch doesn't really like anything, unless it involves cheese or cookies. 

Thursday Ramblings:

In other news, my due date is in 40 days. Pure craziness. We're pretty much set in terms of baby gear, nursery is done. There are just a few odds and ends I need to get in the next few weeks and we'll be ready for her big arrival. 

Yes, we have a name picked out for Baby Girl. No, we're not telling anyone. It doesn't matter how many times you ask me. 

I'm so looking forward to having Baby Girl here and not being pregnant anymore. Not at all looking forward to labor/giving birth. Like not at all. Call me crazy, and a lot of people would argue to the death with me, but I'd rather have a C-section.  We're all entitled to our own opinion. 

It's almost Friday and I couldn't be more thrilled.  Pregnancy is definitely catching up with me and all I want to do right now is lounge around, which is so unlike me. Munch's dreams have finally come true. 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Within the last 9 months, this guy has really gotten into fly fishing.  Like a lot.  I'm not sure if he really loves it, or was just looking for the one sport that we didn't already own every piece of gear for. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Thoughts

Scenes from my morning via crappy iPhone pics:

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Thoughts for a Friday...

The weeks are dragging on.  Slowly.  I think it's the lack of sleep and unfortunately, there is no end in sight.  Please don't tell me "Just wait."  I already know.  But thanks.

I'm having a baby shower tomorrow and I'm just now determining I have nothing to wear.  Maybe I should have thought about this earlier.  Despite the fact I'll end up looking like I threw something together at the last minute (which I will), I can't wait.  Note to new moms:  Have your baby shower earlier in your pregnancy.  It's impossible to feel cute when you have a protruding belly.

Pregnancy brain is a real life thing.  I'm getting dumber by the day.  I can no longer go anywhere or do anything without a list.  The pen for my mental list is definitely out of ink. 

We have a Robin that has been ramming into our kitchen window for a week now, full force probably twice a minute from sun up to sun down.  It.Is.Torture.  The government should seriously consider this tactic when trying to break a terrorist.  I'm 99.9% positive it would work. 

The weather here today is pretty lousy, rainy and cold.  April showers I suppose but I was really starting to enjoy the unusually warm weather. 

I had my 32 week doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon.  Everything is looking great and the best news is we get another ultrasound in 2 weeks.  Can't wait to see how much baby girl has grown!

I'm not sure if it's pregnancy hormones or what, but does anyone else ball their eyes out every time that Subaru commercial comes on...the one with the chocolate lab getting older?  It gets me every time and I am not a crier. 

Enough of my pointless post.  Happy Friday!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

8 Weeks to Go

Dear Baby Girl,

32 Weeks today which means (hopefully) only 8 weeks left.  Your Aunts are throwing you a baby shower this weekend and I'm getting pretty excited to see everyone.  A lot of people are coming from pretty far away to spoil are so loved already. Every week, I feel more and more like we're ready for your big debut.  Your clothes are washed and your room is pretty much finished.  Feel free to come anytime after 37 weeks, although you seem pretty cozy in there and I have a feeling you'll be late and come when you please. 

We spent Easter weekend just hanging out.  We took Mogley for a run on Saturday and then went to a concert at the Canyons.  I downed a slurpee pre concert so you were ready to party.  Your daddy kept covering my belly b/c he thought the music was too loud for you. No lie.  Sunday we cleaned up the house, did laundry and enjoyed the beautiful Spring weather.  We're definitely looking forward to Easter next year which will most definitely include you, a monogram Easter basket with lots of goodies, and an egg hunt.  I know you won't be able to walk or even remember, but I don't care.

Until next week.

Love, Mom

Due Date: May 28, 2013

Gender: GIRL!!

Movement:  I finally feel like movement is on a schedule.  It's so weird when baby girl stretches out...definitely alien in the belly feeling.

Feeling: About the same.  Overall, pretty good considering how pregnant I am. 

Food Cravings: Still juices
Food Aversions: Nothing (unfortunately)

Clothes: Mostly maternity jeans, leggings and skirts.  I bought a few maternity tshirts that are okay, but I'm still wearing some of my pre pregnancy tops.  
Stretch Marks: None.  I have been rotating thru 3 very expensive products.  So far so good.

Sleep: Crap

Symptoms: Big ole' belly.  I do still have a legit belly button which I am psyched about.  At this point, it may go flat but fingers crossed it does not go out.  I'm freaked out by outies.  Sorry.  

What I Miss: Alcohol

Sidenote:  Yes, that is a Mogley in the picture.  Trying to take a photo in my house without a dog is impossible.  We've given up

Thursday, March 28, 2013


How could anyone say no to a bulldog in a bow tie?  I mean, as if he doesn't look 100 times more adorable than usual when he wears this thing, but it has freakin alligators on it.  Did you hear me?  Alligators.  I can die now.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Letter to Baby Girl: 30 Weeks

Dear Baby Girl,

We've made it to 30 weeks!  Can you believe it?  Only 10 weeks to go!  Don't get me wrong, I'm so excited to meet you but I feel like your Dad and I need 10 more weeks to prepare for bringing you sit tight please.  You must have hit a growth spurt recently, because my belly has gotten BIG and hopefully it's you and not the boxes of Girl Scout Cookies your Daddy ordered.  You have been rolling around a bunch lately and your Daddy and I can't get enough of you.  I've been staying pretty active this entire pregnancy, still running (although it's pathetically slow) and still cross fitting (also unimpressive) so hopefully you're not too bored in there. 

Love, Mom

Due Date: May 28, 2013

Gender: GIRL!!

Movement:  Movement has changed from the kicking and punching to more rolling and stretching.  She already loves her daddy, b/c anytime he puts his hand on my belly, she puts on quite the show. 

Feeling: I'm feeling great! I'm still running and cross fitting and overall, I have nothing to complain about.

Food Cravings: Nothing really, with the exception of Juice.  I have had gallons of juice during this pregnancy, but mostly, I think it's a substitute for my nightly alcohol consumption. 

Food Aversions: Nothing (unfortunately)

Clothes: Mostly maternity jeans, leggings and skirts.  I bought a few maternity tshirts that are okay, but I'm still wearing some of my pre pregnancy tops.  
Stretch Marks: None for now.  Fingers crossed.

Sleep: Sleep has been kind of sucky.  I'm a back sleeper and that's a big no no for pregnant women.  So, I switch from side to side all night trying to get comfortable.  Fun times.

Symptoms: No real symptoms, other than a belly 

What I Miss: Beer, Wine and Turkey Sandwiches

Thursday, March 14, 2013


This guy is not dealing well with the adorable white bunny just sitting in Baby Girl's room.  I mean, this penguin is great and all, but HE.WANTS.THAT.BUNNY.  BAD.  LIKE OBSESSIVELY BAD.  IT'S TAUNTING HIM.   And I'm just not quite sure how to deal with it.  We're all learning I guess.  This preparing for a baby in the house is affecting all of us. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Requested to Return

Once upon a time I blogged.  Like regularly.  Then one day I got busy with work and mildly overwhelmed with life happenings and bored with the stuff I was writing about...I mean, how many photos of Munch do you really want to see??  So I stopped.  And I enjoyed stopping b/c I had no pressure to create something interesting enough that allowed me to hit the publish button.  But then things in my life started changing and OH MY GOD I got pregnant and even more crazy, OH MY GOD IT'S A BABY GIRL, and now my family and a few others are requesting my return to blog world so they can all see what's going on with us, and by us, I mean baby girl.  I can't promise anything I have to say will be interesting and I can't promise you're not going to be bombarded with pics of my handsome little Munch and I can't promise you I won't talk about how huge I'm getting and how poorly I'm dealing with it, but hey, you asked for it. And just because it doesn't seem right to have a blog post without an obligatory Munch pic...and don't mention his weight, we're both sensitive about it.