Thursday, May 9, 2013

37 Weeks

Dear Baby Girl,

Today you are 37 weeks and 2 days.  What the hell?  How are we here already?  You are officially considered full term and could come at any time.  Your daddy and I are so ready to meet you, so go ahead and come okay?  It's been great having you in my belly, but I am 100% over being pregnant and ready to bring you home.  Nothing is easy anymore for me and for the love of god, it makes me crazy when people say something like, well at least she's contained, get ready, it's only going to get harder...yeah, thanks for the advice, OR NOT.  Sleep...what's that?  Ankles...used to have them.  Walking...waddling.  Overall, I just feel ready to be done, and we're all ready for you, SO COME ON BABY.  Let's get things moving. Okay??

Love, Mom

Due Date: May 28, 2013

Gender: Little Baby Girl

Movement:  All the time.  Baby Girl is definitely running out of room in there and my stomach feels bruised from the inside.  Jealous?

Feeling: Over it.  Ready to not be pregnant and have a beer.  A real beer.  And cake vodka.

Food Cravings: Nothing
Food Aversions: Nothing (unfortunately)

Clothes: Pretty much all maternity at this point, or Garrett's clothes.  Sad.
Stretch Marks: Still none!  Hang in there skin!

Sleep: Junk

Symptoms: Swollen feet and ankles, huge belly.

What I Miss: Being able to wear my regular clothes, beer, my body, being able to walk more than 10 feet without being out of breath

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