Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday Thoughts

Scenes from my morning via crappy iPhone pics:

Happy Weekend Everyone!

Thoughts for a Friday...

The weeks are dragging on.  Slowly.  I think it's the lack of sleep and unfortunately, there is no end in sight.  Please don't tell me "Just wait."  I already know.  But thanks.

I'm having a baby shower tomorrow and I'm just now determining I have nothing to wear.  Maybe I should have thought about this earlier.  Despite the fact I'll end up looking like I threw something together at the last minute (which I will), I can't wait.  Note to new moms:  Have your baby shower earlier in your pregnancy.  It's impossible to feel cute when you have a protruding belly.

Pregnancy brain is a real life thing.  I'm getting dumber by the day.  I can no longer go anywhere or do anything without a list.  The pen for my mental list is definitely out of ink. 

We have a Robin that has been ramming into our kitchen window for a week now, full force probably twice a minute from sun up to sun down.  It.Is.Torture.  The government should seriously consider this tactic when trying to break a terrorist.  I'm 99.9% positive it would work. 

The weather here today is pretty lousy, rainy and cold.  April showers I suppose but I was really starting to enjoy the unusually warm weather. 

I had my 32 week doctor's appointment yesterday afternoon.  Everything is looking great and the best news is we get another ultrasound in 2 weeks.  Can't wait to see how much baby girl has grown!

I'm not sure if it's pregnancy hormones or what, but does anyone else ball their eyes out every time that Subaru commercial comes on...the one with the chocolate lab getting older?  It gets me every time and I am not a crier. 

Enough of my pointless post.  Happy Friday!

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