Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My weekend according to my iPhone

I had several plans for this past weekend, all of which fell thru for one reason or another.  By one reason or another, I mean the weather.  And by weather, I mean snow.  Lots and lots of snow.

Here's a weekend recap according to iPhone:
Saturday morning Garrett got up at the crack of dawn and went fly fishing via drift boat with a friend of his.  He said he had fun but I'm not sure how anyone could have fun fishing in weather that necessitates gloves.  Munch and Mogs slept in with me.
We woke up to snow and it snowed the rest of the day.  Not the nice, fluffy stuff either. It was heavy and wet and just made a huge mess of everything.  I was planning to ride Jones but it was cancelled.

So I cleaned the house and the dogs laid around.  Fun...at this point, I was wishing I was fishing in gloves.  Just sayin.
I managed to get my act together and headed out in the snow.  I went to this great little boutique on Main Street in Park City, Olive and Tweed.  I bought 2 pair of ridiculous tights, which I LOVE and proceeded to wear for the rest of the weekend. 
Then I rented Bridesmaids from Redbox and watched it while Munch slept on my face. We were supposed to attend a party that night, but again, snow ruined the plan.  Garrett's trip home was rerouted due to a highway closure and he didn't get home until late.
Sunday was equally as exciting.  We cleaned the garage (this is the point when I'm realizing how terrible my weekend really was).  We can now fit both cars in the garage!! (this is the point when I realize what gets exclamation marks these days...and it's mildly depressing).  Garrett smoked a turkey for dinner.  This is him cleaning it and me sitting at the bar making remarks about how disgusting this process is.  See how helpful I am.

I REALLY hope next weekend is a bit more fun...like maybe we can wash the dogs or sweep the driveway.  A girl can only dream.

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