This past weekend, we packed the dogs and half of our belongings and headed to Fruita, Colorado. If you like to mountain bike, go to Fruita. Like now. You will love it.
The real substance of this post, however, is less about Fruita and more about camping. Does any girl actually enjoy camping? Like in a tent, no showers camping. If she's out there, I'd like to meet her and then we can be BFF's. Seriously though, I don't get the draw, and I mostly blame this on my lack of camping as a child. We just didn't do it and I totally get why. My life would be just peachy if we never camped in fact, but there's one teeny problem...that husband of mine actually enjoys it. When I list out all of the reasons I don't enjoy the camping experience, my mind is boggled as to why he's not changing sides, b/c let's face it, my reasons are legit ya'll.
Here's a few:
1. Showers, or actually lack thereof. Generally our camping revolves around mountain biking. Mountain biking = sweaty and dirty. If we were at home, we would never in a million years go to bed without a shower. Just sayin. And my hair...oh my hair.
2. Tents. There is something about people in Utah that makes them think a backpacking tent is the only way to go, even if they are pulling their car right up to the campsite. These people must enjoy cramming in a tent with their dogs (yes, we all them and yes, they all sleep in our tents). We're all stuffed in there like sardines and my husband thinks it's fine. Perfect, I guess it would be fine at home if we slept in a twin sized bed. Right??
3. Stuff in dirt. No explanation needed.
4. Bathrooms, or lack thereof. Cause it's so great squatting in the trees or if we're really lucky, using an outhouse. Nothing makes you feel cleaner. Nothing better than waking up at 4 in the morning, needing to go, and spending the next few hours telling yourself it's not worth it.
5. Packing. Maybe it's just me, but I feel like packing for a camping trip will be the death of me. The list is miles long and the car has to be packed like a puzzle if we want to fit everything. It's overwhelming for me to even think about.
6. Sleeping Pads. Think Princess and the Pea. I can feel the pea.
I really could go on and on. And don't suggest a camper...I've tried. My husband has a list longer than mine for all of the reasons this does not make sense. I did, however, convince Garrett that we needed to buy a bigger tent, aka THE CAMP CONDO. One that would fit all of our stuff comfortably (including our new 4inch memory foam sleeping pads!!) and one where I could change clothes standing up, not laying down on the floor of chaos (sleeping bags, clothes, dogs, etc) trying to pry my pants up. I'm a reasonable girl, I really am. And I must say, camping was better this time around. BUT, it was still
torture camping. It was still a vacation IN.THE.DIRT. My next vacation in the dirt better be sand and lounge chairs, and me in that lounge chair, with someone bringing me a daiquiri. Thanks Mom for teaching me right.
The dogs. I hate to say it, but they have taken after their father and love camping. I need another girl in my house, PRONTO.
Munch, very unhappy that I interrupted his exploring for a photo op.