Friday, February 3, 2012


Sorry I've been such a terrible blogger.  It's just that, right now, I don't feel like I have anything interesting to write about.  Things have been really, really great in my house, but it's nothing anyone wants to hear about.  Here are some updates, in no sort of order.
  • I got a haircut and it feels soooo much better.  Oh and I'm blonder now too and feel so much more like myself.  For the time being.
  • Mogley ate a whole box of Triscuits and some meat packaging (yes, just the packaging) within the last week.  Great, our 4 year old dog has changed his occupation from slug to counter surfer.  How lucky are we?
  • The husband and I ordered a skate skiing setup and got a smokin' deal.  New gear and getting a deal...2 of my very favorite things.
  • Heading to Deer Valley Tonight to watch the Freeski Aerial Championships.  Pretty excited to see some crazy people launching themselves on skis.  I'll never understand.
  • We'll probably ski this weekend and it will probably be pretty mediocre.  We've had no snow and the 7 day forecast has a big ole' sun every day.  Not good.
Have a great weekend everyone.  The weather is not cooperating with snow, but it's been BEAUTIFUL every morning on our way to work.  The sunrises in Park City are amazing!

Only Munch

Garrett:  If I sit around with my tongue hanging out of my mouth, will you talk in a high pitched voice and tell me how cute I am??

Me:  Not a chance.