Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fresh Start

After a long blogging hiatus, I feel like it's time to blog again. We'll see how it goes, but I feel like a fresh start is necessary. If you want to check out my old ramblings, head over to BrittanyvsUtah. I promise, YOU WILL be disappointed :)

First things first, an introduction. I'm Brittany!

I am a born and raised Texas pretty much does not get more Texas than me. This will explain my obnoxious use of the word YA'LL and my tendency to order chicken fried steak at fancy restaurants. I graduated from Texas A&M University and I have friends whose wedding party went from the church to the local reception hall via tractor. Enough said. In fact, I figured I would never leave. Ever. I had a boyfriend, lived close to my parents, in my first year of law school, great friends and just an all around great life.

Then, Garrett, my now husband, walked into my life. The night I met him I knew my whole world would change. And it did. I'll do a post on how we got together. It's definitely a story all it's own.

Anyway, I'll give you the fast forward version. Girl meets boy. Girl ditches boyfriend b/c of the crazy feelings I had about this boy. Boy kisses girl. Girl falls madly in love with boy. Boy wants to get out of Texas...with girl. So, girl and boy pack their Munch and move to Salt Lake City, Utah. That was 6 years ago...buying a house...twice, selling a house, getting a Mogley, a Wedding and whole lotta life. It's been crazy, but I wouldn't trade my life for anything. Well, almost anything :)

I now live in Park City, Utah, right across the street from a major ski resort. How cool is that? I work for an outdoor company and I can wear what I want and bring my dog to work...oh and the husband works there too. What I thought would be a two year adventure, has turned into what I know as my life. Sometimes it's funny and sometimes it's not. These are my tales.